Windowparts Flexi Door Centre Latch Keeps

Windowparts Flexi Door Centre Latch Keeps

The WP Flexi Door Keeps are designed to make replacing centre latch keeps as easy as possible. 
they are designed to fit the majority of door profiles, this means that it can be used to as a replacement without the need to worry about the size of the door keeps. 

  • These keeps are sold as single 
  • Available in left hand and right hand
Left hand-  Length 243 mm x Width 31 mm 
Right hand- Length 243 mm x Width 31 mm

Latch and deadbolt distance 30 mm 
Size of Latch Keep 84 mm 
Size of Deadbolt Keep 50 mm 
Barcodes: Left 113518                       
                   Right 113519

Incl. Tax: £12.00


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